Answers to Common Questions

Q: Do I need a piano at home to take piano lessons?

A: It is ideal if you do have a piano at home, but you can start lessons by using an electric keyboard to practice on. Many of our students rent or buy small electric keyboards to practice on at home. We recommend a keyboard that has regular sized keys and a touch sensitive response. A touch sensitive keyboard means if you press a key harder it will play louder and if you press a key softer it will play quieter.

Q: Do I need a full drum set to take drum lessons?

 No you do not need a full drum set to start drum lessons. Students can start lessons by using a practice pad. This is a small dinner plate sized pad that costs $20-$30 that is used for practicing basic drum rhythms.

Q: How long does it take to learn an instrument?

 There is no set answer of how long it takes to learn an instrument. With regular practice a basic level of playing can be accomplished in a few months. Most of our students take lessons on a long term basis because they want to be constantly improving and they find the lessons enjoyable.

Q: My child is interested in learning the guitar. Does he have to begin on an acoustic or is it ok to start on an electric?

A: Since most parents began learning guitar on an acoustic they often think that it is necessary for their kids to start that way. In reality a child can learn how to play using either an acoustic or an electric because the notes and the chords are the same. The advantage of beginning on an electric is that it has a thinner neck and lighter string tension which means it will take less strength to get a good tone. The advantage of having an acoustic is that you can practice anywhere because you don’t need an amplifier. Parents don’t have to worry about the electric being too loud because most beginner amps have a headphone jack so the child can practice without disturbing others.

Q: I don’t have any musical background or ability; can I still help my child practice?

A: Yes. Even if you don’t have a musical background you can ask the teacher for advice on how to help your child practice. By simply monitoring that they are doing exercises a certain number of times per day, the student will progress. Many parents occasionally sit in on their child’s music lesson to get an idea of the proper way a song should sound or how the student should be positioning their hands. We find that praise and constant positive comments go a long way to encouraging your child to want to play their instrument.